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Chad Werkhoven

March 20 - Galatians 3

Updated: Mar 20, 2020

Today's Chapter - Galatians 3

Dig Deeper:


Abram believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.

That verse is quoted three times in the New Testament, including Galatians 3:6. This passage comes after Paul rhetorically asks three times how salvation came to the Galatians:

  1. By doing good things, or by believing what you've heard? (v2)

  2. Through the Spirit, or through your old sinful self? (v3)

  3. (again) By doing good things, or by believing what you've heard? (v5)

Paul had to be so forceful with the Galatians (he opens this chapter by calling them 'bewitched fools!') because they had fallen into a trap that we often fall into as well: they thought that they could earn God's favor by following laws, rather than by simply believing in the gospel they had heard.

Remember, righteousness is the one thing you need more than anything else. It was given to Abraham not because of the wonderful things he did, but because he believed. Stop trying to impress God; he will credit you righteousness when you put your faith & trust in Him.

DIG DEEPER CHALLENGE: Who's ready to win a Phileo's gift card? Use an online study Bible or concordance to find the other two references of Genesis fifteen verse six in the New Testament. Enter your answer here. (this form will work better than the last contest for those of you who had trouble with it. The address is:

PAUL'S THEME SONG: If Paul had a theme song, it would be playing in the background during v26-29: As a Christian, you are in Christ. If you did not get a chance to read yesterday's post on chapter 2, go back and read the last section of it. It will really help you understand this key concept of what being in Christ means. This is a critical doctrine of Christianity.

  • In Christ you are children of God through faith (v26).

  • You are baptized into Christ, and are now clothed with Christ (v27).

  • All people from all places are made one in Christ (v28).

  • Since you are in Christ, you belong to Abraham's seed and are heirs of God.

Prayer Tips:

  • ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: God is the God of Abraham, the God of the promise (v18), and your God (v26). God is one (v20).

  • ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Believe in Him and He will credit you righteousness (Genesis 15:6, Galatians 3:6).



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