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Vision Minnkota Survey

Vision Minnkota needs your feedback as a council, and as individual elders and deacons. Please prayerfully consider and respond to these questions using the dialog box below.

These questions are explained in the video:

1) Over the past few years, the CRC has experienced all sorts unbiblical teaching, especially regarding human sexuality - we've had instances of individuals in same-sex 'marriages' (SSM) ordained to church councils and the children of SSM couples baptized in CRC churches. In some of these cases, these church's classis have supported them! We've had ministers who've denied key doctrines like substitutionary atonement (Christ substituting himself to pay for your sin) and still pass their classis examine to be ordained.

  • One of the key marks of the church is discipline, in which we lovingly come alongside individuals, or in this case churches and classes, with specific things they must do to keep from hurting themselves and the rest of the body. Since this is a denomination wide issue, the discipline must come from Synod. In your mind, what should Synod do to discipline these individuals, churches and classes?

  • How should Classis Minnkota respond if Synod either ignores these issues or just gives out a slap on the wrist?


2) The CRC is a confessional church, meaning we agree that our three confessions (the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession and the Canons of Dordt) "fully agree with the Word of God." Officers in the CRC have covenanted to conform their teaching, preaching and public opinions to these confessions. One of the biggest issues at Synod this year will be determining whether sexual morality is a confessional issue (especially in the expression of HC QA 87 and 108). If it is determined to be confessional, it would mean that a person could not serve as a minister, elder or deacon in the CRC if they promoted sexual sins such as homosexualism or SSM.

  • How important is it to you that matters of sexual ethics be considered confessional?

  • How should Classis Minnkota respond if Synod decides that individuals, churches or classes, have the freedom teach whatever they like regarding sexual ethics?


3) What should we be doing in our local churches to prepare our members for the significance of this denominational conversation?


4) These issues of sexual morality are just symptoms of a much bigger problem in the CRC. Classis Minnkota has written several overtures, letters and other communications in an attempt to call our denomination back to solid footing.

  • Do you think we've done enough?

  • What more could we be doing?

  • What for you would be the 'final straw' indicating that we must separate ourselves from the CRC?


5) What are your expectations in a denominational affiliation. What priorities would you look for if it becomes necessary to make a change?


6) Thankfully, Classis Minnkota is not the only organization praying and working towards restoring orthodoxy in the CRC. The Abide Project is a group of hundreds of churches who've come together to support the Human Sexuality Report at Synod this year. Abide is planning a Convention of Confessional CRC's for August 2 & 3. We're hoping to have 2 or 3 person delegations of council members from as many churches as possible to chart a course forward depending on how things turn out at the Synod meeting in June. We encourage you and your council to begin preparing for that right away.

Please respond by either emailing or using this dialog box:


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