Dig Deeper:
RED INK: If you have a 'red letter' edition of the Bible, you'll notice that the next five chapters are mostly in red ink, illustrating that Jesus is doing lots of talking. Nearly a quarter of John's gospel takes place on the last night before Jesus is arrested, and these chapters give us tremendous insight into Jesus' teaching. It's good for us to be reading these chapters focused on Jesus' final words during the Christmas season, as they help us put the Christmas story into perspective, just as the Christmas story helps us understand these final teachings.
BEING SELFLESS SERVES YOURSELF: Jesus tells His disciples that He set an example by washing their feet, and that they (we) should follow that example (v15). While there may be times where a ceremonial foot washing may be appropriate, it's not exactly what Jesus has in mind here. The washing of feet doesn't have anywhere close to the same meaning in our culture that it did in two millennia ago in Palestine. Rather, Jesus is commanding us to live selflessly by serving others. What's amazing is that as you deny yourself by 'knowing [and doing] these things, you will be blessed (v17).'
WHAT ARE YOU INTO? Yesterday we looked at the significance of what John meant as he wrote the often used phrase 'believe in Jesus,' and how we are to understand that as 'believing into Jesus,' meaning that our belief is expressed by putting every ounce of trust into Jesus. Most people would rather keep their faith & trust in themselves, but doing so creates a spiritual vacuum. Judas demonstrates the danger of living in spiritual vacuum:
As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him (v27).
SIMPLY PROFOUND: We've commented several times how John has a very unique writing style. Whereas Paul is very logical and linear, John is often more emotive and will say the same thing over in multiple ways. This is not to be critical of John, just to notice and marvel at how the Spirit spoke through so many different types of personalities. Yet John has an incredible way of making massively deep and profound statements using really simple words and sentences. While it's hard to beat the elegantly simple profundity of his prologue in chapter one, v30 comes very close, as John describes the fallen, sinful condition of mankind at its worst moment by simply writing
and it was night.-
Follow the AAA Prayer Pattern:
ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our Father who is glorified in His Son
ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray that you will live selflessly for others as Christ taught (v14-15)