God has ELECTED and CHOSE to save you.
He sent His DIVINE son
to become INCARNATE: truly God and truly man
in order to ATONE for my sins
and fulfill the promises of IMMANUEL in the Old Testament.
you have been JUSTIFIED in God’s eyes.
It is only because -- the RIGHTEOUSNESS of one who is sinless has been IMPUTED to me -- that I can enjoy the COMMUNION with God that He created me for.
All I need to do to be saved is have FAITH in Christ, and this is kindled in my heart by the HOLY SPIRIT.
I can go with confidence to the throne of GRACE through Christ who is my INTERCESSOR.
DISCUSSION QUESTION #1: What does Christ's perfect obedience have to do with your personal salvation?
DISCUSSION QUESTION #2: A common phrase we use often is Soli Deo Gloria = Glory to God Alone. In looking at how you are saved, why is this such a good motto?
Use the comment box at the bottom of the page to answer or contact Pastor Chad to discuss.