Training yourself to be Godly
1) Bible Intake
Hear the Word
Read God’s Word
Study God’s Word -- Memorize -- Meditate -- 5x5 Bible Reading Plan
2) Prayer
Constant - Every activity
Short -- Don’t pray very much -- Just pray all the time
AAA Pattern -- Acknowledge who God is -- Align your life with God’s will -- Ask for what you need & want
5x5 Bible Reading Plan
3) Worship
Sunday Corporate Worship
Private Worship
Daily Activity Worship
4) Evangelism
First three: build you up so you can serve Christ
Evangelism = Making the Good News Known -- By being ‘hands & feet’ of Christ -- By clearly communicating who Christ is & what He has done
5) Serving
Serving neighbors
Serving the Church with your Spiritual Gift
Spiritual gift catalog:
6) Stewardship
Recognizes all things belong to God
Stewardship = determining how much of God’s stuff you will keep for yourself & how much you’ll re-invest in His kingdom
Time & effort
7) Silence & Solitude
peeling off the distractions
lots of opportunities
8) Fasting
Bible does not command it
but it certainly recommends it
Fasting must have a specific purpose & must be done in secret
9) Lifelong learning
No graduation -- Renew Your Mind → Know God’s Will
Brings us right back to the beginning
DISCUSSION QUESTION #1: Which of these disciplines comes the easiest for you, and which is the hardest?
DISCUSSION QUESTION #2: Which discipline would you like to improve in the most?
Use the comment box at the bottom of the page to answer or contact Pastor Chad to discuss.