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Chad Werkhoven

1 Corinthians 16

Today's Chapter: 1 Corinthians 16

Dig Deeper:

THE LORD'S DAY: Paul's instruction to the Corinthian church gives us a little clue about the beginnings of something we just assume always was: that Sunday is a day of rest and worship. Of course in Jewish communities, Saturday is the Sabbath day, but predominant Roman culture, there was no weekend at all. Yet these early Christians gathered on "the first day of every week (v2)," beginning a tradition of Sunday worship that we continue still today.

THE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH: These early churches spread around the Roman empire on the surface were independent entities that on one hand didn't have much to do with one another, but yet were very interconnected at the same time. They were unified in their financial support for the church in Jerusalem which was suffering from all sorts of turmoil related to famine and increasing political pressure from Rome. They also benefited from leaders like Paul, Timothy & Apollos who traveled all around the empire preaching, teaching and networking the far flung, fledgling group of new Christians. This reality is why we consider the church to be catholic, which simply means 'universal.'

EAGERLY DESIRE THE GREATER GIFTS: Certainly as Christians we understand that all we have comes by God's grace, and that He is the one which causes the church to grow and spread, not us. But God works through people just like you in order to accomplish this growth. Paul points especially to the efforts of three men in v15-18, saying that "they deserve recognition (v18)." Live like they did: "devoted to the service of the Lord's people (v15)."

AWESOME MISSION STATEMENT: Some churches are always on the hunt to formulate or improve their mission statement, and v13-14 provides an awesome, easy to memorize mission statement for either yourself or an organization:

Be alert. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. Do everything in love.

'Be courageous' literally means 'act like men.'

WORTHINGTON CRC MEMBERS: Take our online poll to voice your opinion about a possible change in church service & Sunday School start times this fall.

Follow the AAA Prayer Pattern:

  • ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: The One who has assembled people from every tongue, tribe, nation and even time into His people, the Church

  • ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray Maranatha, meaning "Come, Lord (v22)"




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