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Chad Werkhoven

John 5

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Chapter Summary

  • v1-15 - Jesus is back in Jerusalem now where He comes across an invalid sitting by a pool known for its miraculous healing powers. Jesus asks the man a seemingly silly question: "Do you want to get well (v6)?"

    • Notice the man never answers Jesus' question, but, just like the Samaritan woman we read about yesterday, dodges the question by making excuses (v7).

    • When the invalid put his trust into Jesus, He was healed "at once (v9)."

      • You may be doing all sorts of things to 'get well,' like going to church or even reading your Bible as you are right now.

      • As good as what individual Spiritual Disciplines are, they are no replacement for all that is needed: simple trust in Jesus.

  • v16-46 - The establishment doesn't miss the fact that Jesus healed on the Sabbath, breaking rules they had created to try to make themselves well with God.

    • Jesus gives a long response to them in which He makes some massive claims:

      • v17 - He equates Himself with God, fueling the establishment's desire to kill Him;

      • v21 - The Father raises the dead, and the Son gives life to those He pleases;

      • v22 - All judgment has been entrusted to the Son;

      • v24 - Don't miss this huge gospel promise:

Whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.
  • v25 - The dead will hear Jesus' voice and live;

    • v29 - those who have done good will rise to live,

    • and those who've done evil will rise to condemnation.

  • v39 - Studying the scriptures diligently will get you nothing if you miss the fact that every word of the Bible points to Christ.

  • A preacher could spend years unpacking this one chapter and never repeat himself. Find at least one nugget that you can meditate (think about over and over) this weekend.

OLD TESTAMENT REFERENCE: Jesus echoes Daniel 12:1-4 in many of the claims He makes in His response to the Pharisees. It's interesting to be reminded that all people will rise from the dead to eternal life, and that what happens after that point and for the rest of eternity is determined by the choices you make right now!


Use the comment box below to discuss one or more of these questions:

  1. EYE FOR DETAIL—From what you recall seeing in this chapter, try answering the following question without looking at your Bible: Before Jesus healed the man who was lying at the pool, for how many years had he been sick? (See verse 5.)

  2. Which of the massive claims that Jesus makes in this chapter stood out to you the most, and why?

Question 1 taken from The Complete Bible Discussion Guide: New Testament

Follow the AAA Prayer Pattern:

  • ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Honor the Father by honoring the Son (v23)

  • ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray that God will open your eyes so that you don't miss what His Word so obviously points toward: Jesus



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