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Chapter Overview:
v1-10 - Even though Judas changes his mind, the plot to kill Jesus is already unfolding and it's too late to undo it.
v11-26 - Jesus stands trial before Pilate, who deftly tries to put the blame for Jesus' execution on the people rather than on himself, though he could of and should have done the right thing.
v27-44 - Jesus is mocked by being comically dressed up as a king, led out to Golgotha and hung on a cross. Matthew catalogs the numerous groups of people who shout insults at the seemingly helpless Savior.
v45-51 - Jesus succumbs to death. Matthew records all of the reactions to this moment, both physical and from the people there. Two of these reactions stand out:
The thick temple curtain, which separated the people from God's holy presence, was torn in two from top to bottom. With Christ's payment for sin having been made, there's no separation between God and His people.
The centurion who supervised Jesus' execution becomes the first convert to Christianity, exclaiming, "Surely he was the Son of God!”
v61-66 - Jesus is buried in a borrowed tomb and Roman guards are posted to make sure nobody steals His body.
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Judas' change of mind teaches us a big lesson on what true repentance is. Look at a breakdown of v3-4:
[3] When Judas,
who had betrayed him,
saw that Jesus was condemned,
he was seized with remorse
and returned
the thirty pieces of silver
to the chief priests and the elders.
[4] “I have sinned,” he said,
“for I have betrayed innocent blood.”
So, did Judas truly repent? He felt contrition & remorse, he confessed his sin, and he returned what his sin had gained him. What's missing?
John Calvin puts it this way:
True repentance is displeasure at sin, arising out of fear and reverence for God, and producing, at the same time, a love and desire of righteousness.
All the remorse and confession in the world is insufficient for true repentance unless those actions are done out of respect and reverence for God. We don't see Judas even acknowledge God - the one who is the most wronged in any sin, but especially this one. When you confess and repent of your sins, make sure you are doing so for the right reason: because you know you've sinned against God alone and you wish to be made right with Him.
Psalm 22:7–8 (NIV)
All who see me mock me;
they hurl insults, shaking their heads.
“He trusts in the Lord,” they say,
“let the Lord rescue him.
Let him deliver him,
since he delights in him.”
Use the comment box below to discuss one or more of these questions:
EYE FOR DETAIL— After they crucified Jesus, the Roman soldiers placed a sign above Him that contained the so-called “charge” against Him. What did this sign say? (See verse 37.)
Of the most important events and truths in this chapter, which do you think are the easiest for Christians to forget about?
Thomas, Mack. The Complete Bible Discussion Guide: New Testament
Follow the AAA Prayer Pattern:
ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Surely Jesus Christ is the Son of God! (v54)
ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Just as Jesus humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death- even death on a cross (v8).