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Chad Werkhoven

Romans 8 Reading Guide

Listen to Pastor John Piper read Romans 8 in this can't miss video

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Passage: Romans 8

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Chapter Summary This is one of the greatest chapters in the Bible. The book of Romans summarizes the whole Bible, and Romans 8 summarizes the book of Romans. Anytime you don't know where else to turn in life, turn to Romans 8 and God will speak to you through it. Know it well.

  • v1-11 - We've covered a ton of doctrine in the first 7 chapters. With the first word of chapter 8 - Therefore - Paul slows down, takes a big breath, and says, "Ok, here's why this is so important." -v1 - You're no longer condemned. -v4 - Your sinful nature is no longer in control of you, but the Holy Spirit is. -v5-7 - Your mind is governed by one of two things: either sin or the Spirit. Make sure it's the Spirit. -v9-11 - The Holy Spirit lives in you, and gives you life.

  • v12-17 - You are saved by grace and not by your own actions, but that does not mean you have no action to take. You cannot remain passive: you have an obligation to: - Continually put to death the sinful nature that's waging war against you. - Share in the sufferings of Christ so that you may also share in His glory.

  • v18-25 - Paul helps us to understand the tension in which we live. We already have full salvation, and our new life in Christ has already begun. But we've not yet fully realized that salvation in every aspect of life; we experience "present sufferings" in a "creation subjected to frustration," while we "patiently wait" for the hope we have to be fully revealed.

  • v26-30 - You are not left to fend for yourself in this tension. The Holy Spirit aligns your heart with God's will and prays for you when you have no idea what to pray for (v26-27). V28-30 are worth memorizing, reminding you that God is working out all things for the good of those He's called. V29-30 are often referred to as the golden chain of salvation.

  • v31-39 - These should be very familiar verses for you. If they're not, do what you need to do to make them familiar.

Old Testament Reference -

  • Psalm 121 speaks of many of the same promises that Romans 8 conveys.


Use the comment box below to discuss one or more of these questions. For every comment or reply you post, you will receive an entry for this month's prize: a gift certificate to Lakeside Deli.

  1. Choose a verse and put it into your own words.

  2. How do God's attributes we learned about during the Real God sermon series (sovereignty, goodness, justice, holiness, love, faithfulness) help you better understand the promises made in this magnificent chapter?

  3. Which short phrase did you dwell on yesterday? How did your understanding of that phrase change, or how did the phrase change your day?



Keep one of these phrases in your mind throughout the day and come back to it often, asking God to speak to you through these words:

  • v2 - You've been set free

  • v9 - The Spirit lives in you

  • v28 - God works for the good

  • v31 - If God is for you, who can be against you

  • v35 - Nothing can separate you from God's love

Follow the AAA Prayer Pattern:

  • ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our sovereign God who controls all things for our good

  • ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Know that the Spirit is interceding for you as you pray, aligning your will with God's (v26-27)



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