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1 Corinthians 7 - Undivided Attention

Your relationships in life are important, but don't let them get in the way.

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1 Corinthians 7 Summary

This is a long and complex chapter in which Paul seems to be responding to a list of questions that the Corinthian church had submitted to him. Again we're reminded that 1st & 2nd Corinthians, like so many of the New Testament 'books,' are letters that were written to particular people in a particular place at a particular time, and that they must be read in that context.

Yet understanding these letters in the context they were written in makes them no less authoritative or applicable in our lives here in Southern Minnesota in the 21st century.

1 Corinthians 7 answers many questions about the purpose and practice of marriage for Christians, but if we're honest, it raises just as many follow up questions as to how to apply these words to the particulars in our own lives. If you're wondering about something after reading this, the Dig Deeper Posts on this chapter from the last two years might help you out, and if not, ask it in the comment box below. Chances are if you're wondering, lots of other readers are as well!

Dig Deeper

It's easy in a chapter like this to get lost in the details, but don't miss the two important themes it's giving you.

This chapter calls you to find contentment in the circumstances God has provided you:

Let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him (v17).

Certainly this doesn't mean you shouldn't work to improve your situation in life, but that you should realize how temporary and fleeting life on earth is, and that your station here has no bearing on your life in God's kingdom.

A good understanding of the first theme will help you carry out the primary command in this chapter:

secure your undivided devotion to the Lord (v35).

Whether you're single or married, unemployed or in an important position, don't let the details of life, as important as they may be, get in the way of your devotion to the Lord. Instead, use your life situation, whatever it is, to honor and glorify God in every way.

AAA Prayer:

  • ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our Father is above all things who calls all people and relationships to be in submission to Him

  • ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Ask God that the relationships you are in would bring both you and the other parties into closer relationship with Him




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