The darker things get, the more clearly you can see the power of the Holy Spirit.

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Acts 5 Summary
In a effort to make themselves look good, Ananias & his wife Sapphira appear to give every cent from some property they sold, but secretly held some back. As he calls them out, Peter explains they've lied not just to their fellow church members, but to God. Ananias immediately pays the penalty for doing so, and three hours later when his wife attempts the same ruse, she drops dead as well.
The theme moves from one core sin - lying - to another of the most common sins we fall prey to: the jealousy exhibited by the establishment because once again the people were enamored with the message of the apostles, and not them.
But jail is no match for the power of the Holy Spirit, and the incarcerated apostles are back in the temple courts preaching salvation in Christ before the sun comes up.
After being hauled back into court, Peter once again boldly proclaims the risen Christ and incites fury from the establishment who are ready to kill the apostles just like they killed Jesus.
Maybe you recognize the name of the wise Pharisee who talked some sense into the establishment: Gamaliel, who at that very time had a brilliant student named Saul, who you now know as the Apostle Paul.
Dig Deeper
The apostles certainly had lots to complain about at this point: hypocritical members, persecution from the establishment and even being unjustly imprisoned. Things don't appear to be going well for the new Church.
But through it all they rely on the power of the Holy Spirit, and the chapter ends with the Church continuing to grow simply because of their teaching and preaching (v42).
It may often appear to the world that things are not going well for the Church in the 21st century: hypocrisy is up, numbers are down and the establishment is against us. But know that as long as the Church faithfully relies on the preaching of the gospel we can count on the same power the Holy Spirit demonstrates in Acts 5.
AAA Prayer:
ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: The God of our fathers who raised Christ from the dead (v30)
ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray the patience and wisdom to rely on the Holy Spirit despite the problems of this world.