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Ecclesiastes 1 - Chasing the Wind

Chad Werkhoven

If you feel like you're running in circles chasing the wind, the book of Ecclesiastes is for you!

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Ecclesiastes 1 Summary

The book of Ecclesiastes is one of the most unique books of the Bible. There will likely be times as you read through it that you'll be surprised it's even included in the Bible!

Yet when you learn to read Ecclesiastes properly, you'll understand not only why it's included in the Bible, but also how it's the key to understanding the world you live in!

Before you can wrap your head around Ecclesiastes (or rather, wrap Ecclesiastes around your head), you need to understand some of the key terms it uses that are not found elsewhere in scripture:

ECCLESIASTES: This is the Greek word for preacher. But Ecclesiastes was written in Hebrew, not Greek. When the Old Testament was translated into Greek three hundred years before Jesus came, they translated the Hebrew word Qohelet into Ekklēsiastēs, which our English Bibles translate as either preacher or teacher. The words of the Preacher are likely based on the life & writings of King Solomon.

VANITY / MEANINGLESS: This is the most important word of the book, as it's used to describe life under the sun. It's the Hebrew word hevel, and there's no one English word that fully describes it. English Bibles use meaningless, vanity, futility, a chasing of the wind, or my favorite, a puff of vapor/smoke.

UNDER THE SUN: The book of Ecclesiastes is going to seem very pessimistic & hopeless if you don't understand that it's describing life from man's point of view - under the sun - not God's point of view. But when we read this book as people who have been raised with Christ and seated in the heavenly realms (Eph. 2:6), Ecclesiastes will help us not just cope with life under the sun, but will help us see how it can be enjoyed as we wait for the fullness of our Savior.

Because the Hebrew language of Ecclesiastes is so rich, I recommend using the Amplified Bible translation along with the NIV or ESV.

Dig Deeper

Spend time thinking about v13 today:

It is an unhappy business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with.

Ask yourself if the activities you are so busy with are contributing to or distracting from shalom (a peace in which life is enjoyable & meaningful)?

Life under the sun is often just a chaotic chasing after the wind. What is God calling you to stop chasing so you can fix your eyes on the unseen things from above?

AAA Prayer:

  • ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our Father in heaven, above the sun

  • ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray for Godly wisdom to see beyond the meaningless of life under the sun




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