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January 23 - Acts 3

Chad Werkhoven

Today's Chapter: Acts 3

Dig Deeper:

  • SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES: Even though they'd been set free from the Jewish ceremonial law, Peter & John still found value in going to the temple for daily prayers. You don't need to go into a house of worship each day to carry on this same important daily discipline, but you can begin your prayer the same way they did, which we memorized in Mark: "Hear O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one."

  • REVIEW: We heard this past Sunday about how important it is to memorize God's Word. Take a minute to review the passages we've memorized so far.

  • JESUS IS NOT GOD 2.0 (A NEW & IMPROVED GOD): Occasionally people will mistakenly conclude the God of the Old Testament is vindictive and mean, and that He somehow changes when Jesus comes and He turns into a loving, generous Father. Why do you think people come to this conclusion? How does v13 show that the God of the Old & New Testaments is exactly the same?

  • WHAT'S IN A NAME: Notice where Peter & John's power comes from in v16 - "by faith in the name of Jesus." This is a huge concept in the book of Acts. Learn to use online study Bibles to dig deeper. For example, how many times in the book of Acts do the words 'name' and 'Jesus' appear together? Check out the results from BibleGateway. Enter the answer to be entered into a raffle for a gift certificate to Phileos (People outside of Worthington will be offered a different prize):

Prayer Tips:

  • Begin your prayer once again with the Shema - 'Hear O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one,' and after reading about the power of Jesus name, end your prayer with 'In Jesus name I pray, Amen.'


Sermon Reflections

Joshua 1:1-9

God’s Word is your connection to salvation.If you want to be strong & courageous, obey God’s Word.

Monday - God's Word brings strength & courage to you just like it did to Joshua

Tuesday - God leads us through His Word like He physically lead Moses

Wednesday - If you want to obey God's Word, you need to first know what God's Word says

Thursday - Train yourself to benefit from God's Word by Memorizing, Meditating, & Mouthing (speaking) scripture

Friday - Keeping God's Word brings you success: possibly here on earth, and for sure in eternity



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