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John 21

Chad Werkhoven

Today's Chapter: John 21

Dig Deeper:

NOT JUST SITTING BY THE DOCK IN THE BAY: Fishing is a great way for people to relax and enjoy God's creation. But relaxing is not what Peter had in mind when he informed the other disciples he was going to go fishing. Rather, it's as if Peter was going back to being a commercial fisherman once again now that he had disqualified himself as a disciple by denying Jesus. That's what makes Jesus' reinstatement of Peter so remarkable at the end of this passage.

SEQUEL TEASER: Good movies often end with a development that sets the stage for a sequel movie to follow. All of the gospels end this way as well, but all do it in a slightly different fashion. John uses Jesus' conversation with Peter to foreshadow what would come next in the drama of God's redemptive plan: Peter, the rock upon which the church would be built, was tasked with the church's primary occupation: feeding Jesus' sheep. We'll see Peter step up into this role in the sequel to the Gospels, the book of Acts, as he boldly proclaims God's Word to a world hungry for the good news.


You did it! This was our final chapter in our year long New Testament reading plan - all 260 chapters. How many of you were able to read all 260? Don't be shy - be an inspiration to the rest of the group by using the comment box below to let us know, and we'll induct you into the "260 Club."

Some of you have read through the Bible many times, but for many this was a new experience. How has this experience changed your perception of the Bible? Share a sentence or two in the comment box below.

So what do we do now that we've finished all 260 chapters? Well, we start over again! We'll jump right back in on January 4, 2021. This year we're starting with the book of James. Our DIG DEEPER posts will have a slightly different feel and format, but I think you'll like the changes. Stay Tuned!

Thanks for being part of the 2020 5x5 Bible Reading plan at Worthington Christian Reformed Church. Enjoy the break and we'll see you again on January 4!

Follow the AAA Prayer Pattern:

  • ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: God is the author of the awesome Drama of Redemption, which begins in Genesis 3 and culminates in Revelation 22.

  • ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray that God will strengthen you to follow Jesus' simple command in v19: "Follow me."




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