We look forward to gathering Sunday evening in Ocheyedan to celebrate the blessings you experienced in Montana this summer.
Students will be a big part of this service. We will be singing many songs you've suggested and there will be opportunity to share experiences. Look through this order of service, be sure you're familiar with the songs (Kids & Leaders will help lead the songs) and sign up to either read or share during the service:
Call to Worship - Psalm 100 - READER:
*God’s Greeting (Pastor Chad)
*Song(s) of Praise: LUYH #1 - All People That On Earth Do Dwell (Psalm 100) v1-4
*Our Faith Expressed: HC QA 86 -
We have been delivered
from our misery
by God’s grace alone
through Christ
and not because we
have earned it:
why then must we still do good?
To be sure, Christ has redeemed us
by his blood.
But we do good because
Christ by his Spirit is also
renewing us
to be like himself,
so that in all our living
we may show that
we are thankful to God
for all he has done for us,
and so that he may be praised through us.
And we do good
so that we may be assured of
our faith by its fruits,
and so that by our godly living
our neighbors may be won over to Christ.
Our Gifts & Offerings presented: Vacation Bible School
SERVE 2023 Experiences (a few kids will share their experiences)
*Hymn of Preparation - Make Room (https://youtu.be/u-fZR7olNYc)
Scripture: Joshua 24:14-28
Message to God’s People Life Goes On
Prayer of Application
A Guide to Thankful Living - Selections from Belgic Confession Article 24
We believe that true faith,
produced in man by the hearing of God’s Word
and by the work of the Holy Spirit,
regenerates him and makes him a “new man,”
causing him to live the “new life”
and freeing him from the slavery of sin.
So then, it is impossible
for this holy faith to be unfruitful in a human being,
seeing that we do not speak of an empty faith
but of what Scripture calls
“faith working through love,”
which leads a man to do by himself
the works that God has commanded
in his Word.
These works,
proceeding from the good root of faith,
are good and acceptable to God,
since they are all sanctified by his grace.
*Hymn: Gratitude (https://youtu.be/dQdfs5S6jyA)
*God’s Blessing as we leave - Numbers 6:24-26
*Parting Hymn: The Blessing (https://youtu.be/by-B7MhEdGM)