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January 27 - Acts 5

Chad Werkhoven

Today's Chapter: Acts 5

Dig Deeper:

  • GOD HATES HYPOCRISY: The sad tale of Ananias & Sapphira is the ultimate picture of hypocrisy: they said one thing, but then blatantly did something quite different. Their instant deaths demonstrate how severely God hates hypocrisy. Yes, we will all always have elements of hypocrisy in us as long as we live, but what blatant forms of hypocrisy must we repent of, both as a church and as individuals?

  • BAD DAY AT THE OFFICE: Don't you almost feel a bit sorry for the captain of the temple guard? In v24 he has to go in and report that although his jail is secure, his prisoners are missing. In v26, he takes his crew out to the temple courts to sheepishly drag his renegade escapees back in. Wouldn't you love to see the look on his face at this point? Even the captain displays some hypocrisy in this chapter... this spit polished soldier exudes of law & order, but then backs down because he's afraid of small group of people (v26).

  • WHAT HYPOCRISY REALLY MEANS: You've probably heard that hypocrite is the Greek word for 'actor,' which is true. But it has an even older, more literal meaning: a hypocrite is one who can't properly make solid decisions. In this chapter Ananias & Sapphira, the high priest and his gang, and the captain have all displayed elements of this sort of hypocrisy.

  • THERE'S STILL TIME: enter the contest to win a Phileo's gift card by entering a few easy to find results from Biblegateway. Click here to go back to the post with the entry form. We will draw a winner on Wednesday, Jan. 29.



Sunday we learned to pray constantly following the AAA pattern given by Jesus. We will be practicing that pattern by using what we read each day to guide us in prayer.

  • ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: He is the God of our fathers who raised Jesus from the dead and exalted Him to His own right hand as Prince & Savior (v30-31)

  • ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray for help in knowing what things you face today are 'from God' so that you can support God's work and not find yourself 'fighting against God.' (v39)




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