God is the SOVEREIGN creator of the universe.
God’s ATTRIBUTES. God is:
eternal, incomprehensible, invisible, unchangeable, infinite, almighty
completely wise, just and good.
the overflowing fountain of all good
He exists in the form of a TRINITY
which includes the FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT.
TRIUNE = Three in one.
God REVEALS Himself to us
through His creation
and even more so through the SCRIPTURES which were written by men INSPIRED by God. These scriptures include a CANON of sixty-six books which are -- INERRANT & INFALLIBLE in communicating His message. -- His scripture is SUFFICIENT for salvation
DISCUSSION QUESTION #1: Pick one of these attributes of God that is your favorite, and explain why you chose it. What attribute of God would you add to the list above?
DISCUSSION QUESTION #2: What makes the Bible so different from any other book? (note, this question is different than what's mentioned in the recording).
Use the comment box at the bottom of the page to answer or contact Pastor Chad to discuss.